Some Employees in Japan work from home using Animal Crossing: New Horizons

COVID-19 has rendered several nations to a near grinding halt in terms of industry and work, affecting productivity on all levels. Companies of all sizes have resorted to working from home in the name of safety, deploying solutions such as Google Suite, Microsoft Office and even Discord, to get their daily tasks done. This is already on top of usual emailing and work-chat groups. 

A company in Japan had decided to conduct an experiment where their employees would host a virtual meeting/office in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Here’s the story of how 3 employees in Japan did their work in-game.

The Office
"I can't send pictures here"

Chat log discussing work related matters: 

"Taking a break"

Discussing Previous Month’s Sales: 

The trio concluded their work from home experiment with the following pros and cons:


  • Compared to other chat programs, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is much more fun to use.


  • Can’t send files such as images and documents
  • Can’t speak about confidential matters, as they might be leaked to Nintendo
  • Nothing but Animal Crossing keeps coming up during the meeting
  • No one knows who is who, because everyone has their own in-game handle, rather than their real name. And it could devolve into chaos because of that.


Source: Link, Via

What we think:

We’ve seen people do crazy creative things on this game, and this one takes the cake. Definitely need to pair with Discord for file transfers, sending photos and proper voice chat which is a small issue. 

Now, if we can just get the boss to get the rest of the team their own Nintendo Switches and copies of the game WORK FROM HOME SOLUTION

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