Nintendo Switch : To Pick OLED or V2?

The recently announced Nintendo Switch OLED is the 4th Switch that Nintendo’s made and for the most part it’s improved in a set of ways that people are trying really hard to justify for. It’s obviously going to appeal to a few crowds: Nintendo product owners, the FOMO’s and future first owners.

Before you go head on attempting to stake for the latest model, we’d like to give a quick comparison for you to make a better, conscious choice.

The V2 vs The OLED

Switch V2Switch OLED
LCD ScreenOLED Screen
32GB internal storage (microSD support)64GB internal storage (microSD support)
Limited-angle kick standFully-adjustable kick stand
0.29 KG0.32 KG
No LAN portLAN Port in Switch Dock
Local Price : RM 1199 (RM 1399 -1499, as of 29/12/2022)

Which one is for me?

It’s really simple, as it bogs down to your current situation. Factually, both Enhanced and OLED editions still pack the same custom Nvidia chipset, with the OLED leading in having a better overall screen, double the internal storage, a LAN port in the Switch dock and a neglibly different pair of joy-cons in-box.

Coming from a Switch Lite

You have the most to benefit from if you’re planning to just move to either model. You’re getting access to TV play, detachable joycons and access to more games that are focused on those controllers. Coming from a Switch Lite point of view, you’re probably more into portable play that TV (which explains buying a Switch Lite in the first place). The OLED’s screen will be clearer, brighter and more crisp than on the Enhanced edition, even though they have the same resolution. If you can wait, get the OLED. If you can’t, the Enhanced edition is still a pretty good offering. You can save that extra RM 200-300 and buy a new game!

Coming from the Enhanced Edition

Why are we having this conversation? If you already have an Enhanced Edition, just enjoy it! There’s nothing too enticingly new about the OLED for you to justify the top-up! Let’s do the math:

You sell your Enchanced Edition Switch at market rate : RM 750 – RM 900

The predicted Switch OLED price in Malaysia : RM 1499
(Prices have stabilized)

You’ll potentially be topping up : RM 600 – RM 749

At that top up range, it’s for a better screen, new dock and double the internal storage (which I feel is redundant considering you can but buy microSD cards for cheap these days). I do not recommend it if you already own an enhanced edition. The OLED is just a revision and not a jump forward big enough. Your Switch still has a healthy life cycle.

Coming from the 2017 Edition

Ah yes, the OG Nintendo Switch. It’s a stretch here. You do gain better battery life and efficiency, but it still plays the same. The jump from the first Switch IS more attractive, but again, let’s do the math:

You sell your Enchanced Edition Switch at market rate : RM 600 – RM 750

The predicted Switch OLED price in Malaysia : RM 1499
(includes the fat distributor margin and tax)

You’ll potentially be topping up : RM 749 – RM 899

It’s a way bigger top up, and it could be justified IF your 2017 Switch has already showed signs of hardware age, after all, it’s already been 4 years, maybe it’s time. I do however, recommend just selling it off and topping up a few hundred for a used V2, that way the blow is significantly softened and you’ll be getting a Switch with a better battery. Don’t get sucked in by that extra 32GB that the OLED Switch gives you. It’s less than RM 100 to buy a good 64GB – 128GB microSD card to get more storage space!

As a first owner

Always go for the new tech, unless you’re on a budget. Even at new face value, The difference in price could be about RM 300 – 500 (from the Enhanced Edition), and you could save that money for a microSD card, a couple of new games and accessories to get you started. If you can afford it, then get the OLED, if you’re tight, then stick to the Enhanced Edition.

Also if you intend to give your old Switch to your kids or someone else, then this is a great way to get to new tech too!

Officially Out in Malaysia

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